Music Course:  Beethoven's Piano Sonatas

Course Description

                Enhance your understanding of the music of Ludwig van Beethoven by 
        exploring his historic piano sonatas. Just as his nine symphonies transformed 
        orchestra music between the late 18th century Classical era and the 19th century 
        Romantic era, Beethoven's 32 sonatas did the same for piano music.

                 Go beyond the Moonlight Sonata to learn how Beethoven's vast expan-
        sion of the piano's technical scope and emotional range set the stage for later 
        composers like Franz Schubert, Frédéric Chopin, and Franz Liszt who followed
        him.  Listen to and discuss selected movements from ten of Beethoven's most 
        most inventive sonatas to understand how his musical ideas progressed over the 
        course of his career.  

        Learn about many renowned pianists by watching videos of them perform 
        Beethoven's sonatas.  Class discussion is encouraged.

Course Syllabus

             Session 1:   The Early Period, Part I:  1795 - 18??

             Session 2:   The Early Period, Part II:  1800 - 1802

             Session 3:   The Middle Period:  1803 - 1814

             Session 4:   The Late Period:  1816 - 1822 

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